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Tele-Dentistry/Second Opinions

When you have a question and are looking for an answer WHEN YOU NEED IT....We are here to help. Simple to use. Cost effective. Real Advice From A Real Dentist.....

The Store

The tough part of most problems is knowing what questions to ask. The easy part is finding the answers. The Store can provide you with the most current information available about a wide range of dental topics. Right at your fingertips.

A Senior’s Guide to Dental Health

Understanding and Caring for Aging Teeth and Gums Introduction: As we advance in age, our dental needs evolve. Elderly individuals often encounter specific challenges such as dry mouth, gum disease, and tooth loss. These conditions can impact not just the enjoyment of food but can also affect overall health and the enjoyment of life. This

The Oral Health Diet

In the quest for a radiant smile and robust oral health, most discussions tend to focus on regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups. While these practices are undeniably crucial, there’s another vital component that often gets overlooked: our diet. The foods and beverages we consume play a significant role in the health of our teeth

Smiling dental patient

Seasonal Smiles: Tailored Dental Care Tips for Every Time of Year

Introduction: As a dentist, I often remind my patients that while our oral health needs remain constant, the changing seasons bring new challenges and opportunities for dental care. Whether it’s the holiday season brimming with sugary treats or the summer months with endless cold drinks and snacks, each period requires specific attention to keep our
